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Raw materials

The application of natural resources from the marine environment in the cosmeceutical industry is gaining great attention. One study aimed to discover the cosmeceutical potential of two Malaysian algae, Sargassum sp. and Kappaphycus sp., by determining their...
The Amazonian region, a kingdom of biodiversity, has long been a precious coffer of raw materials from which to derive active principles and functional ingredients. The research relating to cosmetic raw materials, always very active in identifying novelties to...
Eye contour skin is extremely fragile. It is much thinner than facial skin and the most likely to suffer damage due to different external factors (e.g. UV, pollution, stress, smoke ecc.) and continuous usage (we blink an average of...
2018 is a most remarkable year for Prodotti Gianni, the Milano-based cosmetic raw materials distributor that will soon celebrate its 70th anniversary the best way possible, since it was recently awarded with the most prestigious Prix Coup de Cœur...
Milano-based Faravelli is a global player in cosmetics, food and pharmaceutical arenas worldwide and owes its competitiveness to the efforts it traditionally dedicates to innovation, striving to provide its customers worldwide with functional prototypes and new ingredients. Established in...
Established in 1976, Amik Italia celebrated this year its 40th anniversary. The company, based in Milano, made its debut as a trader in chemicals and raw materials, but year after year it managed to develop a sound expertise in...
Portrait of the Milano-based Gale & Cosm, that debuted as a player in the fields of galenic and personal care. With a long-time expertise in the raw materials supply chain, it is striving today to expand its international presence. Many...
Headquartered in Milano, Italy, Prodotti Gianni is a raw materials distributor and provider whose business started in 1948 and that entered the cosmetics market nearly 40 years later, after succeeding in the pharmaceutical, food and scientific research fields by...
Milano-headquartered Res Pharma was established as a specialized cosmetics ingredients’ distributor back in 1962 but with time it has also turned to the production of cosmetic ingredients; and in an effort to consolidate its global presence and business it...
Blue agave, the plant used to make tequila, the national drink of Mexico- has many health benefits. Now it seems that it also helps reduce skin wrinkles and gives strength, resiliency, and elasticity to the hair. Agave plants are...